About Us
Watauga Opportunities, Inc. (WOI) is a manufacturing company located in Boone, North Carolina. WOI has two distinct divisions:
Production/Manufacturing Division
WOI produces a variety of products within three manufacturing divisions: medical devices, custom plastic thermoforming, and packaging/subassembly.
Programs/Service Division
WOI is a non-profit community rehabilitation program providing vocational training, job placement, employment opportunities, community opportunities and residential services to adults who have barriers to employment and community inclusion.
We offer Quality Products and Services
Quality Registrations
- Quality Management System - ISO 13485: 2016 - Cert. #FM560456. Registered for the following scope: Contract manufacturing, including plastic Ithermoforming, packaging, & labeling of medical devices to be offered sterile or non-sterile.
Service Accreditations
- CARF accredited in Community Employment Services: Employment Supports, Job Development; Community Integration, Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation Services , Employee Development Services.
WOI Annual Report
In The News
Watauga Opportunities receives Spirit of Philanthropy Award
Celebrating 50 Years of Operation
High Country Helpers: Farmers getting support and COVID-19 test kits being made in Boone
Watauga Opportunities client celebrates 25 years at McDonald's
Watauga Opportunities Featured on Mind Your Business
NC Department of Environmental Quality Officials visit Watauga Opportunities